MIXXXXX IT: Hot Chocolate and Mint with Blackberries

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hot Chocolate and Mint with Blackberries

Woot woot! I now have my own Blackberry application...yayyyyyyy! With this application, it'll be much easier and faster to follow my blog posts & tweets...that is if anyone is interested...:D


Do download the application for free from here, and kindly download it directly from your Blackberry, not from your computer. Enjoooooy! :)

  • This application is kindly created by the nicest 7Langit team...thank you soooo much! :)
  • My utmost gratitude to Lala Bohang for the famous "faceless" illustration she made...I just love it so much I'm using it for so many things hahah! I hope Lala doesn't mind...;p

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