MIXXXXX IT: Dinosaurs Live!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dinosaurs Live!

Soooooo finally got the time to share with you guys about some other thing I got to see in Singapore during my recent trip...I went to see the DINOSAURS LIVE! EXHIBITION in Science Centre...yayyyy! :)

It's a highly interactive and educational dinosaur exhibition with soooo many awesome features. Here you get to see life-sized dinosaurs which actually move and make sounds hehehe. Luckily they don't bite. Or tickle. But seriously, the animatronic dinosaurs actually show intricate movements of their bodies, tails, eyes, stomachs, fingers and errr...even tongues. Creepy yet again awesome.

The biggest dinosaurs on display were Diplodocus, Omeisaurus, T-rex and Deinosuchus. From this exhibition, I was, for the first time, introduced to a female dinosaur, Maiasaura, a.k.a. the "good mother" dinosaur. So if us good girls were dinosaurs, we'd be Maiasauras! :D

Other activities available were the Dino Drawing, Dig Pit and Dino Ride. I seriously wish I was allowed to ride the Dino Ride. Too bad it was only for kids...;p And oooh, they also had this baby dinosaur robot that actually moves very smoothly like a real creature. Like a pet! The best of all...the Dinosaurs Live! iPad app!! Check out my video below to see what it's like..:)


If you guys go to Singapore, you should definitely visit this exhibition...:)

PS: Adding on my previous post about the Singaporean online shop, Love, Bonito...turns out that for this November, shipping to Indonesia is FREE! Seriously, in ZERO DOLLARS...hahah! Definitely gonna shop while this promo lasts...yayyyy! :)

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