With Valentine's Day quickly approaching I thought it would be fun to make a cheeseboard to celebrate. Normally I always see cheeseboards out around the winter holidays, but I think it's perfect for Valentine's Day! One thing I love about cheese is how you can pair it with so many complimentary items. Valentine's Day is about love, and since a traditional gift is chocolates, I thought it would be fun to make a cheeseboard paired with sweet, as opposed to savory, items. I partnered with Wisconsin Cheese to show how three of their cheeses could be used to make a delicious spread!

The first cheese on my cheeseboard is Merlot BellaVitano. This cheese has a creamy consistency similar to Cheddar, but is milder, and has hints of Parmesan. Pair Merlot Bellavitano with fresh blackberries and smooth dark chocolate. The blackberries and chocolate enhance the berry notes already present in the cheese.