Every time that a person goes for a new hair cut he or she always observes and notes his or her favorite celebrity’s hairstyle. This is a common tendency of people to follow the celebrity they most admire. For women the latest trend setters are Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba, and Lindsay Lohan. Among the teenagers the latest rave is the pop star sensation Miley Cyrus and her long and blond locks of Hannah Montana look. The celebrities are also very careful about the look they are carrying. Celebrity hairstyles become instantly popular. They remain in demand according to the fan following of the particular celebrity.
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Among the men the most popular celebrity hair style trend setter has been the football star David Beckham. His tendency to change his hair style every new season has brought many new forms of interesting celebrity hairstyles in the market. His current hair style is the semi bald look in which the scalp is visible through the tiny crops.