my trip to Disneyland Hong Kong with my bestfriend, Dina? Finally got the chance to write more about it today...yayyyy! Shall we start? :)
For this trip, Dina and I spent 3 days 2 nights in total, and we actually spent our days
only in Disneyland and not to other (shopping) spots hehehe..we stayed at Disney’s Hollywood Hotel and we loved it! The view from the room was sooooooo beautiful...and our room was so cute with all the "hidden Mickey" around! :)
I remember that when I was checking in, I was in the hotel lobby and I sneezed. The receptionist directly came and gave a me a pack of tissues. So nice, yes? :')
Room was super comfy and cute that Dina even carried home the toothbrush cup heheheh *oops*. And my God, internet here is really fast, y’all! Super envy.
Anyway, we actually arrived here very early in the morning, so we took a short nap...then had lunch! We took a shuttle bus to Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel (just 5 minutes away from our hotel) so we could eat at Crystal Lotus Restaurant which was located inside the hotel. This place has such a beaaauutiful castle-like ambience that made Dina and I felt like princesses hehehe. And the food was good too of course...:)

Steamed Vegetable Dumpling, Steamed Mushroom and Vegetable Dumpling, “Swan” Vegetarian Taro Puff 

Fried-rice with Tasmanian Crabmeat stuffed in Whole Crab Shell 

Chilled Red Bean Jellies with Osmanthus Honey & Chilled Mickey’s Green Tea Jelly
After lunch...Disneyland time! Too bad my camera ran out of battery as soon as we reached so not many pictures for Day 1...sigh...but I did make a video using my phone...yay! :)
The one you CANNOT miss while in the Disneyland Hong Kong: the
Flights of Fantasy Parade!
This parade is sooooooo good that one cannot stop being amazed by the level of details they take on every level: costume, facial expression, stunts, dances, colors. Very eye-pleasing and heart-cheering! :)
Ended the night by having dinner at Corner Cafe, then watched the fireworks show...and seriously, this was the BEST fireworks I have ever seen my entire word: magical! :)
Story about our second day to follow tomorrow...yay! :)