MIXXXXX IT: david beckham
Showing posts with label david beckham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label david beckham. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012

david beckham mohawk hairstyle

there is not only artist to be a trendsetter of hairstyle. many people that to be top fans of the sport players, such us football players like david beckham. his talent is not only on football. but to be an amazing person like him now, he also must the other who make people interested to him.

and now i give u some example from our idol, David Beckham. he very very often wear a mohawk hairstyle like you can see it, with brown color. he always can give a cool performance, not only on the ground, but also anywhere he exist. but i give you a suggestion, "be always bring the hair jell to be he second David Beckham!!!"
 you, all of the cool man, look at this and do it!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Signature story by David & Victoria Beckham

In septembrie, David si Victoria Beckham vor lansa Signature story, un nou duo de parfumuri, ce reflecta pasiunea lor pentru tot ceea ce inseamna vintage.

Signature story for her, cu note de piersica, bujor alb, kumquat, floare de portocal si mosc, va fi disponibil ca eau de toilette la 15 si 30 ml, lotiune de corp, gel de dus si spray.

Signature story for him, cu arome de frunze de violeta, busuioc, ananas, lavanda, floare de portocal, poate fi achizitionat ca eau de toilette la 30 si 50 ml, after shave, spray si gel pentru par sau corp.

Designul sticlelor este simplu si elegant, asemanator cu cel al parfumurilor Signature, lansate anul trecut.
Posh si Becks s-au lasat inspirati de povestea de dragoste medievala dintre Dante si Beatrice Portinari si au inscriptionat flacoanele parfumurilor cu un scurt fragment din "Viata noua" a lui Alighieri.
In that book which is My memory
On the first page
That is the chapter when I first met you
Appear the words
Here begins a new life


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cuplul Beckham la Macy's

Cu ocazia lansarii noului duo de parfumuri Beckham - Signature for him/her Victoria si David au organizat o sesiune de autografe la Macy's. Mii de fani au venit sa vada celebrul cuplu, iar Posh zice-se a oprit traficul din New York cu cizmele ei super inalte, fara toc, semnate Antonio Berardi. Daca ea optat pentru o tinuta desprinsa de pe catwalk, el a ales un costum clasic de la Tom Ford.
Victoria devine din ce in ce mai indrazneata si incepe sa-si asume riscuri. She takes fashion to a new level.

Victoria a purtat o tinuta din colectia de toamna a lui Antonio Berardi.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

David for Armani

Intr-un costum impecabil, Armani, David Beckham s-a intalnit cu fanii la Macy's, unde a avut loc lansarea celei de-a doua campanii a lui pentru Emporio Armani Underwear.
De curand, David, a fost plasat pe locul 5 intr-un top al celor mai influente celebritati - "Most Powerful Celebrity In The World", de catre revista Forbes.

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