MIXXXXX IT: fashion icon
Showing posts with label fashion icon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion icon. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fashion icon: Kanye West

Pornind de la ideea ca imaginea inseamna totul Kanye West are un respect deosebit pentru haine. Este un obisnuit al show-urilor de moda, fiind vazut foarte des in primul rand la prezentarile YSL, Chanel sau Fendi si detine o camera imensa, plina de haine, pe care a numit-o "The Store".
Mr. West spune: "My crew lives, eats, drinks and s**ts fashion."
Nu are incredere in cei care nu stiu sa se imbrace - "You cannot figure out what shoes to put with your shirt! How am I going to listen to you about anything else?" - si il considera pe Pharrell Williams "the style god".

Monday, March 31, 2008

Cea ma influenta style icon in UK

Nu este nici Victoria Beckham, nici Kate Moss, nici Sienna Miller, ci Coleen McLoughlin, logodnica fotbalistului Wayne Rooney. Ea a fost votata de 1200 de femei, cititoare ale revistei Look, ca cea mai influenta style icon britanica. Clasamentul arata astfel:
1. Coleen McLoughlin
2. Kate Moss
3. Sienna Miller
4. Victoria Beckham
5. Cheryl Cole
6. Kylie Minogue
7. Gwen Stefani
8. Keira Knightley
9. Lily Allen
10. Angelina Jolie

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